Knowing Jesus

Many who grew up in a Christian Church tradition, learned about Jesus first via simple hymns that spoke of some of His qualities.  From the “Jesus Loves Me” hymn we learned:

  • Jesus loves us
  • the Bible tells us about Jesus
  • He is STRONG!

As we get older, we can learn more about Jesus directly in reading our Bibles (especially the first four books of the New Testament called the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John).   This is great!  But… sometimes, it is nice to be guided in your studies to be sure you understand the key points, and you did not miss anything in your individuals studies.

The Church of God International offers several  FREE  items to help you in your study of Jesus …

A first option might be a guided bible study through the Book of Luke … covering “every word”.  This is available via the Line Upon Line Bible Academy lessons, hosted by Pastor Adrian Davis available here:

Another option for learning of Jesus, is via some of our excellent booklets!

Additionally, our flagship outreach program Armor of God  covers many aspects of Jesus Life and mission …

There are also some sermon series that dig deeply into the life of Christ …


And many individual sermons covering Jesus:

It can take a while to truly KNOW someone … In 2013, Time magazine identified the 100 Most Significant Figures in History, and Jesus (of course) was #1.

Perhaps it is time to expand your knowledge of Jesus … and why He is so impactful!

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