

God is everywhere – even in the snowflakes!

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A reminder most people forget

I saw a recent posting on one Facebook feedback page that could not escape my attention because there was a lot of wisdom in what the writer was saying. The […]

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Has God forgotten you?

Conrad Whyte is a Christian. He tries to live the biblical way as best as he can, knowing that at times he will err, but by the saving grace of […]

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Is there a solution to our problems?

There’s hardly a month that goes by without political leaders and thinkers having some high-level meeting, be it with NATO, the United Nations, the G8 and G20 (the world’s most […]

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Once Saved, Always Saved?

Some pastors are giving millions of Christians a false hope. They tell them once you are baptized and you receive God’s Holy Spirit, you cannot lose your salvation. Is that […]

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As the calendar years go by…

2018 is not a New Year on God’s calendar. We dealt with that in last week’s article, however, it is a calendar year. It governs our lives; from making us […]

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Before the resolution…

Come January 2018, you’ll be hearing them from friends, family, and fellow church members – New Year resolutions. What are these resolutions all about? Are they for real? Why do […]

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In Spirit and in Truth

Shortly before Christmas, a rather colourful Christian magazine cover with  red all over, caught my eyes with a heading exhorting readers to seek for the truths found in the Holy […]

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Before the first Christmas…

In no uncertain terms, the birth of Christ or the incarnation is significant to Christianity. However, Christmas is not, because it has no place in the Bible and Christ was […]

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Will Christmas be celebrated in the Kingdom of God or is it the biblical festivals?

Stop! Think! Listen! Before you start to immerse yourself once again in all the trappings of the upcoming Christmas season, pause for a few seconds and ask yourself this question: Will Christmas […]

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What is this about going to heaven?

The hope for the vast majority of Christians is to go to heaven to be with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to live forever. There’s hardly any room for […]

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Wanted: Dead or Alive!

You are a wanted man. You are a wanted woman. There’s a price on your head. The bounty is high! The “bounty hunter” doesn’t matter in what state he finds […]

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The idol is back!

He’s back! All fully attired in red, with a fleecy white and curling beard, a supposedly husky laugh, and he has bag full of gifts for the children. He allegedly […]

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The Sabbath: There’s no other day like it!

I can hardly wait for the Sabbath to begin on Fridays at sunset. After a gruelling week of ups and downs, the ins and outs, work and no play, tiredness […]

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Hope! Where can you find it?

If the rate of suicide in any nation is used as a measuring stick on the state of hope among its populace, our society is in a sad state. Canada […]

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Time will tell …

The human race, for the most part, believes in some sort of an afterlife, be it reincarnation, heaven, hell or the Kingdom of God and so on. We aspire to […]

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Halloween : Devilish or Godly?

From as early as August each year, Halloween decorations begin to peek out of retail stores and some people even have their spooky characters on their porches and front doors. […]

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Troubling times ahead for God’s people

Most of God’s people have just returned from celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles, one of His seven annual Sabbaths or Holy Days given in Lev. 23, but ignored by the […]

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One of ‘traditional’ Christianity’s biggest errors

From October 5 -12, this year, a small minority of Christians across the world are observing the Feast of Tabernacles, one of the seven annual festivals or annual Sabbaths of […]

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The Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ

For people familiar with Judaism, the most sacred day for the religion, is the Day of Atonement. If there’s one day out of the year that they go to the […]

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