

The Good News of the Second Coming

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Natural disasters; God’s punishment?

Each time a natural disaster strikes, be it hurricane, storm, flood, forest fire or earthquake, the question on many people’s lips is whether it is a punishment from the Almighty […]

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The King is Coming!

The month of September is a reminder of the only hope for the human race. On September 21, a small minority of Christians will celebrate one of God’s seven annual […]

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Signs in the heavens?

The solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 occurred as predicted when the moon passed between the Earth and the sun. It brought out people from all and sundry to view […]

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“Fire and fury like the world has never seen”

American President Donald Trump does not like the utterances of North Korean leader Kim Jung un in hurling threats to dump missiles on U.S. territory. Who would anyway? The North […]

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The Rapture: Fact or Fiction?

Millions of Christians are waiting to be raptured secretly to heaven at any minute, even as you read this article. They based their belief on the Holy Bible, yet on […]

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Is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in two phases?

Throughout the entire Bible, prophecies one after another, speak of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the hope for humanity. The first was the incarnation and the second would be […]

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Think on these things!

When was the last time you turned on your television set, and the first five top news stories of the day were all positive developments locally, nationally, and internationally? Developments […]

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The Abomination of Desolation; is it just around the corner?

Around the year 167 BCE, the ruler of the Seleucid Empire, Antiochus Epiphanes, committed a terrible and horrendous act. It was not that he didn’t commit many atrocities in his […]

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Will Jesus Christ Ever Return?

There are many people, professing Christians, and non-Christians alike, who believe Jesus Christ, will not return as promised. The Jesus Seminar, a group of Christian scholars, for example, claim He […]

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When you think it’s peace and safety…

Peace on earth seems an elusive dream – a dream that all humanity has been yearning for since the dawn of civilization. The reasons for wars have been varied and […]

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As it was in the days of Noah…

The Holy Bible has a lot to say about “the last days,” or “the time of the end,” meaning the close of human civilization. The age will not end when […]

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When tragedy strikes

The vast majority of human beings are sincere, decent, and law-abiding citizens. Apart from a small minority of “bad apples,” that make us out to be depraved,   inhumane, or criminally-minded, […]

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Evidence of the End Times

Make no mistake about it! Whether you want to believe it or not, it does not matter, but Jesus Christ is returning on His Second Coming. This cataclysmic event could […]

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Did the Apostolic Church observe the Sabbath and Holy Days?

 Most of the Christian world today observes Sunday as the day of rest and worship, a holy time before God. However, there is nowhere in the entirety of the Holy […]

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A Mother’s Love: Discipline

Proverbs 3:  11-12  “My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loves he corrects; even as a father the son […]

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Jesus Christ: Dead or Alive?

Is Jesus Christ still in the tomb? Has that body, broken for the sins of humanity, been lying in the dust since His horrible death nearly two-thousand-years ago? Millions of […]

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A Mother’s Love: Trust in the Eternal

Proverbs 3 : 5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.“ Proverbs […]

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Would Jesus Christ recognise His church today?

If Jesus Christ walked into your church today, would he recognize it representative of the one He founded on the Day of Pentecost? Have you ever wondered what the apostles […]

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What happens when you die? Are you sure?

It’s rather comforting for the bereaved to hear the funeral rites of their loved ones that include the assurance he or she “is now in heaven with Jesus and His […]

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