

How significant are the Days of Unleavened Bread?

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Easter: Christian or not?

What do bunny rabbits, Easter eggs, hot-cross buns, and chocolate have to do with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ?  Before you read this article, please pause for […]

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The Olive Branch

Obedience before sacrifice All Aboard! All Aboard! His voice echoed through the torrential rain which poured down from the dense clouds like rods of steel. Then, there was silence and […]

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Lent – is it a biblical observation?

Lent, the forty-day fasting period leading up to Easter, is now being observed by some Christians. Lent is not a biblically commanded season and has roots in paganism. People who […]

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The Lord’s Day replaces the Sabbath?

“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” (Rev. 1:10 KJV). This is one of the texts Christendom […]

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Are you watching?

Many events are taking place on our planet. They might be too many for our finite minds to grasp. While most of them are secular, man-made, natural occurring, or even […]

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Can anything good come out of COVID-19?

The calendar year 2021 has just started, and usually you hear about the resolutions that people make, with the hope for a better year. The “better” could be anything; usually […]

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The Notorious Thief

Without a shadow of a doubt, many people have experienced the anguish that follows the loss of something of great sentimental value; something you’ve cherished for many years. For example, […]

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COVID-19 for Christmas ’20?

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an unwanted gift to those who celebrate Christmas. This year is an exceptional one. For most people, there has never been a time when people […]

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Stranger or Angel?

We live in a strange world is a comment we often hear. And strange, it is, because so many bad things happen in our society today. Society is in a […]

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As we see the day approaching

Can we truly stop talking about the COVID-19 pandemic now? Perhaps not. The pandemic has been going on for nearly a year with no signs of stopping. Instead, cases are […]

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Could Jesus Christ return tonight?

The question on whether Jesus could come tonight is one that has been often asked in both Christian and non-Christian circles, among believers and unbelievers. Every human being should be […]

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Do we really need Halloween?

If one were to follow the discussions, the commentaries, and the concerns, you could think not having Halloween, this year, is going to have serious implications for our lives. Yes, […]

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Back to Reality

Each year, God’s people celebrate one of God’s appointed times, as indicated in Gen. 1:14 and Leviticus 23. They are known as the annual Sabbaths, or festivals, more commonly called […]

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At One With God

As our worldly activities come under the grips of the COVID-19 pandemic, as has been the case since the start of 2020, each day we face the uncertainty of when […]

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The sound that will bring change

The inhabitants of this planet are yearning for some kind of change in their daily lives. The rewards that this life brings have fallen short. Hope is elusive; there’s a […]

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Fear of the unknown

There is little doubt the current pandemic has entered the territory of the unknown. The medical professionals themselves can’t say for sure what lies ahead as far as the future […]

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Burning the Holy Bible to get Racial Justice?

The Holy Bible contains many important warnings on how to live our lives as Christians. If we don’t heed them, we stand in danger of falling away from the unadulterated […]

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Time is precious!

The human race, for the most part, believes in some sort of an afterlife, be it reincarnation, heaven, hell or the Kingdom of God and so on. We aspire to […]

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Sailing into unchartered waters

The COVID 19 pandemic remains the major news item since it began to get worldwide attention from late January, this year. Since the 1918 Spanish Flu, our modern history has […]

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