

“These things must come to pass…”

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Be resolved: Believers don’t have to use the personal Hebrew names for God and the Messiah and using their titles is acceptable.

  This is a reprint of the presentation by Ray St. Michael Williams, which was the winner of the  Herbert W. Armstrong speaking competition at the 2019 Feast of Tabernacles […]

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Here comes the silly season!

The pagan celebration, Halloween, ended over a week ago, and here comes along the biggest one of all. It creeps upon all and sundry, without any apology or compromise, and […]

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Out of the doom and gloom comes the boom

Another Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23) has gone by. This year, it was celebrated from October 13 – 21. A very meaningful and significant festival commanded by YAHWEH to be […]

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A sacrifice like no other

For people familiar with Judaism, the most sacred day for the religion, is the Day of Atonement. If there’s one day out of the year that they go to the synagogue is it is […]

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The Sound of the Trumpet!

The people of God turn their attention to the triumphant return of Jesus Christ, or the Second Coming, around this time each year. Why?  It’s the beginning of the fall […]

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The choice is yours!

The journey we call life is all about choices. There’s hardly a day that goes by that does not involve making a choice. It could be a choice about what […]

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Do you wish you could fly?

Many times, I have dreamt about flying. I wish I could fly. Who wouldn’t want to glide or slice through thin air like a bird or aeroplane? The day looms, […]

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When you think there’s peace…

There has always been a desire for peace among nations and peoples. Yet this ideal seems to be an elusive dream. Over the centuries, peace has been made among warring […]

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Who’s worthy to loose the Seven Seals?

The Book of Revelation points to catastrophic events soon to unfold in the universe, and especially on plant Earth, as human civilisation draws to a close with the triumphant return […]

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God…on my own terms

The human civilization has gravitated to the level where the True and Living God is no longer relevant or does not exist at all. In fact, He could never exist, given […]

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It is not about you going to heaven

The vast majority of humanity is oblivious about exactly what will happen when Jesus, the Messiah, and Saviour of the whole universe, returns for a second time to establish his […]

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Are we in the last days?

Many people have been asking this question:  Are we in the last days?  There are others who don’t want to, for fear of coming to grips with the reality of […]

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Absolutely nothing can stop the return of Jesus Christ!

Here’s a reality many people haven’t been able to grasp; either they don’t pause from their busy schedule to do it, it’s not inherent in their thinking to do so, […]

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Watch! I say Watch!

 The saints of God are on a watch. It’s an obligation we have as Christians. The Word of God tells us, in Luke 21:34-36 “But take heed to yourselves, lest […]

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The Rapture: Fact or Fiction?

Millions of Christians are waiting to be raptured secretly to heaven at any minute, even as you read this piece. They based their belief on the Holy Bible, yet on […]

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Abominations upon Abominations

Children of God, as you peer out into this troubled world of ours, and witnessing before your very eyes abominations upon abominations, a planet of people who no longer know […]

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Missing Truths About Pentecost

Millions of Christians from around the world will come together on June 9, this year, to celebrate the birthday of the church on the Day of Pentecost. Thousands of sermons […]

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Once Saved-Always Saved?

Some pastors are giving millions of Christians a false hope. They tell them once you are baptized and you receive God’s Holy Spirit, you cannot lose your salvation. Is that […]

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We reap what we sow

We have booted anything that resembles the true and Living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, YAHWEH, The Eternal, from just about all institutions. We are afraid to […]

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