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What is your duty as a human being?

What is the duty of all human beings, who did not create themselves, but were created in the image of the Almighty, Omniscient and Omnipotent God? Many have danced around […]

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God’s “appointed times,” or man-made festivals?

We have just finished observing Passover and the spring festivals of God, not Easter, which is pagan rooted and has no place in the Holy Bible. None of Jesus’ apostles […]

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These are the Days of Unleavened Bread

These are the Days of Unleavened Bread, observed this year from April 20 – 26. These are the “appointed times” or “seasons” of God given at creation (Gen. 1:14) for […]

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On the night of April 18, this year, or (Nisan 14), many of God’s people and certainly not the majority, will come together to commemorate what Jesus did nearly two […]

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Jesus, the Christ, was about to be arrested, tried by a “kangaroo court,” and meet His fate – to die for the sins of all humanity. One would have expected […]

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Passover versus Easter: A letter tells the truth

Controversy was brewing again, not a bit unusual in religious circles in the Second Century A.D, especially since the departure of the highly respected apostle, “St. John.” It was near […]

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The Best of Both Worlds?

We are at a juncture in human history when countries war with one another, leaders are at each other’s throats, political scandals, mistrust of those in the seat of power, […]

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The 157 passengers onboard the Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 that left Addis Ababa, on March 10, were hopeful they would reach their respective destinations. They never reached. Shortly after take-off, […]

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When your winter ends

Old Man Winter is dying. In a few days, it will be spring, the real New Year when everything starts to grow again. Newness is everywhere. “Now the LORD spoke […]

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The only ‘good news’

Having worked as a journalist – news reporter/producer/editor and columnist for 25-years, my quest, much like others in the profession, was to get the “good” news stories. Stories we felt […]

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Pray that your ‘flight’…

Matt 24:19, “How miserable those days will be for pregnant and nursing mothers! Pray that your flight will not occur in the winter or on the Sabbath. For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the […]

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If you have time for God, raise your hand!

If one were to ask for a show of hands from a large gathering of the unconverted, it would be interesting to see the number of hands that would shot […]

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“Love” is in the air

Smiles return to the face of merchants and retailers every February. Having survived the usual slow month of January, when sales decreased following the Christmas spending spree, February 14, in […]

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Climatic or Prophetic?

Nowadays, there’s a lot of focus on climate change, global warming, or destruction of the environment by our own actions. Our miserably hot, hot, summers and menacingly harsh, harsh, winters […]

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When God does not make sense

One of the questions agnostics and atheist like to pose in their rejection of God is, why does he allow suffering. It is a legitimate question. You read, watch, and […]

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Do your beliefs matter?

There’s a popular saying, “belief kills and belief cures.” There may be some wisdom in that adage. In other words, either your beliefs could destroy you or they could save […]

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Bestselling and hate mongering?

The Holy Bible is the undisputed best-selling book of all times. Even the popular and great books that have topped the best-selling lists for months and years, be they Harry […]

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Is this your year?

Even before the second hand of our clocks and watches struck midnight on January 1, 2019 the celebrations had already started to usher in a new calendar year. The warming […]

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2019: Don’t bet on it!

Now that the Christmas holidays have passed, the words on many people’s lips, and in their thoughts, are the new calendar year and what it will bring. Resolutions…resolutions…resolutions have been […]

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