
Burlington Congregation


52-1 Thessalonians- 53-2 Thessalonians- A Look At the Thessalonian Congregation Adrian Davis 00-Books of the Bible January 1, 2017
62-1 John- Testimony Apostle John Part 2 – last witness of Jesus’ Ministry Murray Palmatier 00-Books of the Bible January 1, 2017
Are You A Christian? Jan Kowalczyk January 1, 2017
FOT-Feast Of Tabernacles – Role Of Atonement, Tabernacles & Us Adrian Davis January 1, 2017
FOT-Feast Of Tabernacles 2017 – Philippians Adrian Davis January 1, 2017
FOT-Feast Of Tabernacles 2017-God’s Rescue Mission Adrian Davis January 1, 2017
FOT-Feast Of Tabernacles-2017-Bible Study-Salvation Process Jan Kowalczyk January 1, 2017
FOT-Feast Of Tabernacles-2017-Nebuchadnezzar Murray Palmatier January 1, 2017
King Nebuchadnezzar – Character Study – what to expect with today’s leaders Murray Palmatier January 1, 2017
My Peace I Leave With You – peace of Christ in the face of persecution Noel Scoburgh January 1, 2017
New Jerusalem – & old Jan Kowalczyk January 1, 2017
Our Nation In Transition – Bill 89 Gender identity & the Christian family Murray Palmatier January 1, 2017
Please Don’t Call Me Pastor! – is it Biblical to call our elders by their title? Jan Kowalczyk January 1, 2017
The Ekklesia Part 1 Louis Anane January 1, 2017
The Ekklesia Part 2 Louis Anane January 1, 2017
The Resurrection Jan Kowalczyk January 1, 2017
These Were The Days Of Their Lives – what led up to Solomon’s dedication of the temple Murray Palmatier January 1, 2017
We Can Move Mountains – the Infuse Youth Weekend Landon Palmatier January 1, 2017
What Do You Eat? – meaning of eating Christ’s body & drinking His blood. Jan Kowalczyk January 1, 2017
Who Packs Your Parachute? – Youth message during the Infuse Weekend Murray Palmatier January 1, 2017