Medina Congregation


To Whom Much Is Given Dave Rusinko January 1, 2012
Two Fundamentals Of The Holy Spirit – Jesus in you & It’s part in transforming us to spirit Bill Watson January 1, 2012
What Is The Anti-Christ? Bill Watson January 1, 2012
Who Is Jesus? Part 1 Bill Watson January 1, 2012
Who Is Jesus? Part 2 Bill Watson January 1, 2012
Who Is The Bride? The Church Ed Szalankiewicz January 1, 2012
Why Do We Keep The Days Of Unleavened Bread? Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2012
26-Ezekiel- Reviewing The Prophet Ezekiel Bill Watson 00-Books of the Bible January 1, 2011
49-Ephesians – A Place Of Refuge Dave Rusinko 00-Books of the Bible January 1, 2011
58-Hebrews- Letter To Hebrews Tony Buchert 00-Books of the Bible January 1, 2011
A Prophetic Warning – End times upon us Bill Watson January 1, 2011
Becoming A Better Watchman Bill Watson January 1, 2011
Benefits Of Sabbath Keeping Bill Watson January 1, 2011
Book Of Life Ed Szalankiewicz January 1, 2011
Catch The Higher Vision – Love God & trust Jesus’ Promises Ed Szalankiewicz January 1, 2011
Creation Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2011
Developing Spirituality Bill Watson January 1, 2011
Elect Ed Szalankiewicz January 1, 2011
Faith, Hope, Charity Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2011
Good Reasons For Sabbath Keeping Bill Watson January 1, 2011