Medina Congregation


Spiritual Vision Ed Szalankiewicz January 1, 2009
The Way, The Truth, The Life – Jesus Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2009
Truth About Truth Ed Szalankiewicz January 1, 2009
Understanding The Spirit World Bill Watson January 1, 2009
Where Are We Heading Politically? Bill Watson January 1, 2009
YouTube Response To The Immortal Soul Bill Watson January 1, 2009
37-Haggai, Build The House – Your Christian House Bill Watson 00-Books of the Bible January 1, 2008
America’s Disturbing Future Bill Watson January 1, 2008
Are You Living A Life Worth Saving? Bill Watson January 1, 2008
Armor – Promises Promises Promises to sons of Joseph Bill Watson January 1, 2008
Armor – Who Is Satan? Bill Watson January 1, 2008
Catastrophism Vs. Uniformatarianism Bill Watson January 1, 2008
Developing Fruit Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2008
Difficult Scriptures Bill Watson January 1, 2008
Dilemma Of Ministry Bill Watson January 1, 2008
Discipleship Dave Rusinko January 1, 2008
Do You Understand God’s Passover? Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2008
Endure & Bear Fruit Dave Rusinko January 1, 2008
Faith, Hope, Charity Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2008
Who Is Jesus Christ? Tony Buchert January 1, 2008