Medina Congregation


Glass Houses – Tolerance Bill Watson January 1, 2005
Grooming Our Congregations Bill Watson January 1, 2005
Importance Of The Sabbath Bill Watson January 1, 2005
In Spirit & Truth Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2005
Maintaining Our Priority – Overcoming Sin & Relationship with God Bill Watson January 1, 2005
Old Testament Speaks Out – Jesus pre-exists his human birth Bill Watson January 1, 2005
Prophecy – The Convincing Factor Bill Watson January 1, 2005
Resolving Marital Conflict Bill Watson January 1, 2005
So What About Easter? Bill Watson January 1, 2005
Understand Jewish Argument – Proof Jesus is God & He knew it Bill Watson January 1, 2005
What Time Is It? – Redeem the Time – evil days – Our judgment Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2005
Are You A Biblically Based Or Culturally Based Christian? Bill Watson January 1, 2004
Armor – Church of God International Bill Watson January 1, 2004
Armor – Destiny of Europe Bill Watson January 1, 2004
Armor – Identity Of US & BC In Prophesy Bill Watson January 1, 2004
Armor – Is Heaven A Christians Reward Bill Watson January 1, 2004
Armor – Islamic Perspicuity Clarity Bill Watson January 1, 2004
Armor – Law & Grace Bill Watson January 1, 2004
Armor – Why Marriage – Bill Bill Watson January 1, 2004
Historical Rapture, True Or False? Bill Watson January 1, 2004