Medina Congregation


All Things For The Good – Trials Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2003
America, The Forgetful Manasseh – Abraham’s blessing Bill Watson January 1, 2003
Armor – Does Marriage Matter Bill Watson January 1, 2003
Armor – Why We Should Repent Bill Watson January 1, 2003
Broken Body Of Jesus Christ Bill Watson January 1, 2003
Does God Exist? Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2003
Harvesting Timely Metaphor Bill Watson January 1, 2003
Perspective Is Everything – during trials keep contact with Church Bill Watson January 1, 2003
Seasonal Signs Bill Watson January 1, 2003
What Is The Church? Bill Watson January 1, 2003
Who Are You Jesus? Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2003
Why Hostility Toward The Law? Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2003
You Are Dust, I Am God Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2003
Be Urgent On Yourself Bill Watson January 1, 2002
He Is Risen, Jesus Bill Watson January 1, 2002
Love Of God Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2002
Benchmarks Of The End Time Bill Watson January 1, 2001
Communicate Always To God, prayer Bill Watson January 1, 2001
Consider Thy Self – Sermons & Bible stories apply to “us” Bill Watson January 1, 2001
Experiencing Life Long Conversion Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2001