Medina Congregation


Family Bill Watson January 1, 2001
Last Great Day ’01 Bill Watson January 1, 2001
Marriage Bill Watson January 1, 2001
Problems Can Be A Blessing Bill Watson January 1, 2001
Spirit Of Influence, Holy Spirit Bill Watson January 1, 2001
Tabernacles ’01 Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2001
To Worship In Spirit & In Truth Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2001
John 10 – Jesus & God are One, Shepherd Bill Watson January 1, 2000
Tithing Lost Act Of Worship Bill Watson January 1, 2000
Trumpets ’00 – Trumpets Symbology Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2000
What’s The Truth Worth to You? Bill Watson January 1, 2000
A Christian Expectation – Our good example Bill Watson January 1, 1999
Countdown To A Prophetic Solution Bill Watson January 1, 1999
Importance Of Prophecy Bill Watson January 1, 1999
It’s Necessary, It’s His Will – our calling to preach the gospel Bill Watson January 1, 1999
Long & Winding Damascus Road – Commit life to your calling & conversion Bill Watson January 1, 1999
Missing Dimension In Marriage Bill Watson January 1, 1999
Rapture Truth Or Fiction Bill Watson January 1, 1999
Tomorrow’s World Leaders Bill Watson January 1, 1999
Christ’s Second Coming, Is It Biblical? Bill Watson January 1, 1998