
Ottawa Congregation


Is Truth Real … or Important? Jim French September 28, 2024 |
God’s Favorite Things Jim French September 7, 2024 |
Freedom David Townson August 10, 2024
Difficult Scriptures – Defending God Pt1 Jim French August 3, 2024
Pentecost 2024 Jim French June 16, 2024
Equipping Doctrine Jim French June 1, 2024
Passover Themes Jim French March 30, 2024 |
Prove All Things Jim French November 25, 2023 |
Remembrance Day 2023 Jim French November 11, 2023 |
Scriptural Metaphor Of The Seasons Of Life Jim French October 14, 2023
Glimpses Of Little Children Jim French October 3, 2023 |
Glimpses Of The Kingdom Jim French September 30, 2023 |
Trumpets 2023 Jim French September 16, 2023
Most Powerful Questions Of Scripture Jim French September 2, 2023
4 Resurrections Jim Leith May 13, 2023 |


Farmers and Gardeners have Their Roots in God’s Creation

Genesis 1:11-12 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon […]

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Singing, Humming, Remembering the lovely song “Nothing but the blood of Jesus” is an inspiring way to get ready for the New Testament Passover coming up on the evening of […]

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Mysteries From The Bible – Revealed!

As you read your Bible & hear good sermons … your pool of knowledge grows … The Bible describes several things as “mysteries” – knowledge or Truth that many people […]

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Should You Be Celebrating Easter if You’re a Christian?

Image courtesy of Brian Wegman @ Unsplash.com   Article by Carolyn D. As a kid, I grew up attending a Presbyterian church, taking part in holidays such as Easter and Christmas, […]

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World Financial Collapse- Inevitable! Only Question is WHEN?

“World Financial Collapse- Inevitable! Only Question is WHEN?” Thirty four trillion dollars- that is the total debt of the USA at this time.  The interest paid amounts to more than […]

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