
Tyler Congregation



Faith is not Worrying About Tomorrow

Have you ever known someone who, if they didn’t have anything to worry about, would worry about not having anything to worry about? I know I sometimes find myself wondering […]

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Heaven or God’s Kingdom?

King David asked this question of God: (Psalm 8:3-6) “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, […]

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The Feast of Trumpets

God’s fall Holy Days are nearly upon us. I really love God’s appointed times. They are always the highlights of my year. Each year I try to meditate on what […]

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Watch, Wait, and Stand Fast

“But know this, that in the last days, perilous times will come.” At no time in history has this verse been truer. With terrorism rampant throughout the world, hunger and […]

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We Are True Children Of God

The apostle John writes that we are children of God and shall be like God, for we shall see Him as He is (I John 3:2). The apostle Peter writes […]

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A More Excellent Way – Love Vance Stinson February 18, 2023
Person Relationship – What Jesus has Done For Us Wynn Skelton February 11, 2023
Pre-Passover Larry Watkins February 4, 2023
Millennium – Before or After the Second Coming? Vance Stinson January 21, 2023
Holy Days & Centrality of Jesus Vance Stinson January 14, 2023
Apostate Apostle – Judas – Is his fate settled? – Judgement Vance Stinson January 7, 2023


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