35 events found.
Click city for link to their Webcast or Zoom services: Burlington 1:30pm Kitchener 1:30pm Ottawa 1:00pm Toronto 1:30pm No Internet "Live service" option for these locations: Kawartha Lakes 1:00pm London 1:30pm
Click city for link to their Webcast or Zoom services: Burlington 1:30pm Kitchener 1:30pm Ottawa 1:00pm Toronto 1:30pm No Internet "Live service" option for these locations: Kawartha Lakes 1:00pm London 1:30pm
Begins at sunset Oct 16,2024 until sunset Oct 23, 2024 (then the Last Great Day on Oct 24, 2024) See Feast website at https://cgicanadafeast.org/
Click city for link to their Webcast or Zoom services: Burlington 1:30pm Kitchener 1:30pm Ottawa 1:00pm Toronto 1:30pm No Internet "Live service" option for these locations: Kawartha Lakes 1:00pm London 1:30pm
Click city for link to their Webcast or Zoom services: Burlington 1:30pm Kitchener 1:30pm Ottawa 1:00pm Toronto 1:30pm No Internet "Live service" option for these locations: Kawartha Lakes 1:00pm London 1:30pm
Click city for link to their Webcast or Zoom services: Burlington 1:30pm Kitchener 1:30pm Ottawa 1:00pm Toronto 1:30pm No Internet "Live service" option for these locations: Kawartha Lakes 1:00pm London 1:30pm