
Mic Drop… The End of the Matter

There is a new feature page on the CgiCanada.org website & in our Social media postings …  called “The End of the Matter” …

The End of the Matter is simply video clips taken from the last 1-3 minutes of sermons…  Why would we do this?!?

There are many reasons to feature this content:

  • In our busy lives, we often don’t have time to hear a full 60 minute sermon – but we can spare 1-3 minutes (perhaps a couple times per day!)
  • In our website that features hundreds of sermons on dozens of topics … people may be reluctant to listen to “old sermons” — and this is a quick reminder that these “old sermons” can be incredible! 
  • Perhaps the best reason is that many sermons are designed to a powerful conclusion at the end… BOOM!  Mic Drop!
  • Other sermons use the last 3 minutes to summarize the main points of the last hour message.  It’s awesome to have the speaker deliver the “paraphrasable content” of his message in a concise, well crafted summary

Oxford Languages defines a “Mic Drop” as “an instance of deliberately dropping or tossing aside one’s microphone at the end of a performance or speech one considers to have been particularly impressive.  Its used to emphasize that a discussion is at an end after a definitive or particularly impressive point has been made.

Daniel speaks of the “End of the Matter” at the conclusion of a great prophecy (Dan 7:28) … And Solomon speaks of the “conclusion of the whole matter” at the close of Ecclesiastes.  You are welcome to see some impressive clips here … and … if you are so inclined, the link to the whole sermon is ALSO provided for each clip!


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