Singing, Humming, Remembering the lovely song “Nothing but the blood of Jesus” is an inspiring way to get ready for the New Testament Passover coming up on the evening of April 21, 2024

Wonder how to improve your memory? Singing to yourself really works, seniors! It builds hope and thankfulness…. Then sing out in worship at services or just to yourself! Your choice!

Parents you have a lot on your plate bringing up a family and working! Singing to yourself as you work or drive cleanses the mind and gets us ready for renewing our covenant made at baptism!

Kids and Teens, listen to ‘your’ choice version of this hymn written by Lowry and Doane in 1876… Now that is more than 100 years ago, exactly 158 years ago! You could call that pretty old but it is still True.

If you love to sing, offer to do special music at services or visit a Seniors’ Home and Sing For A Senior!


Listen Up!  Here are 3 versions of the Hymn


Here are the Lyrics to get started….

1 What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

O precious is the flow
that makes me white as snow;
no other fount I know;
nothing but the blood of Jesus.

2 For my pardon this I see:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this my plea:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

3 Nothing can for sin atone:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Naught of good that I have done:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

4 This is all my hope and peace:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

…………. Blog post by Margaret Townson

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