One Last Night?

Tonight, you will go to bed with the expectation that you will rise from your slumber come the break of day. But not everyone will rise.  Some of us will fall asleep—die!

The vast majority will live to see another day, and many more days for that matter. Many will give thanks to the Almighty God for allowing them to live to see another of His glorious day, which he created, while others will take it for granted, as if it was an obligation.

As we repeat this daily ritual of life, uncertain which will be our last one on planet Earth, it behooves every human being to be cognizant of the fact that there’s a living God, the Sustainer of life. There is a sovereign God who is in charge; and He has a plan that will put an end to the current civilisation and begin a new age of life, a different kind of life – a life so different our finite minds cannot fathom it.

Yes, the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, YAHWEH,  who sent His only begotten son, Jesus, the Christ, to die for our sins, and who will return soon in all honour and glory to set up His kingdom forever.  This kingdom is real, as real as can be, and the kingdoms of men will be overturned to make way for divine rule, where there will be no corruption, scandals, injustice and all the ills that plaque modern day society and governments.

“Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give every man according as his works shall be,” Jesus says in Revelation 22:12.  Yes, friends, Jesus is coming. Are you prepared to meet Him? Is He calling you to join those whom He has called and have answered and are now destined to be the firstfruits of this great harvest in the first resurrection?

If you know He’s calling, it’s your time to answer that call. Jesus says “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day,” John 6.44.  You could be one of those people who will not rise from your bed tomorrow.  It may not be tomorrow, it could be next week, next month, or next year for that matter. Nevertheless, it could come at a time when you still haven’t answered God’s call to come into His fold. “Time and chance happeneth to them all,” says Ecclesiastes 9:12; we know not our hour. Because we don’t, we should all “be prepared to meet thy God.”

Before you go to bed tonight, consider this question: Could tonight be my last one on this Earth? It is a question that is worth your while, and it is a question you won’t be able to answer with any certainty. The fact that you don’t have an answer does not mean you shouldn’t ask the question. You should ask that question and here is another important one you should have the answer for.  If the GREAT God of all humanity is calling me to repent and be a future citizen of His coming Kingdom, why am I not answering His call?  For more on this subject, download FREE our booklet, TEN FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT REPENTANCE.

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