


Is Islam God’s Revelation? Mike James January 1, 2016
Making God Real Bill Watson January 1, 2016
One Path To God – via Jesus Vance Stinson January 1, 2016
Proofs Of God Mike James January 1, 2016
Sabbath Ed Szalankiewicz January 1, 2016
Taking God’s Name In Vain Dave Rusinko January 1, 2016
Using God’s Spirit Bill Watson January 1, 2016
Who Is God? John Reedy January 1, 2016
Who Is Your Best Friend? – God is our Friend Dave Rusinko January 1, 2016
Would You Settle For Earth – False Religion’s Attitude toward earth & remoteness of God Adrian Davis January 1, 2016
35-Habakkuk- Debating God – Habakkuk Mike Nolan 00-Books of the Bible January 1, 2015
Appearances By God Mike James January 1, 2015
Armor – Jesus Christ What Is He Bill Watson January 1, 2015 |
Armor – Third Commandment – Name in Vain Mike James January 1, 2015 |
Getting Past Separation Anxiety – Until God Dwells with us Ed Szalankiewicz January 1, 2015
God Exists – Creation, Prophecy Vance Stinson January 1, 2015
Independence Day – We need God’s Mercy and favor Wayne Hendrix January 1, 2015
Proofs Of God Mike James January 1, 2015
Trinity – Why it is False Horane Smith January 1, 2015
What’s In A Name? – our faith & relationship with Christ & our Father Murray Palmatier January 1, 2015