

The Young and the Reckless

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A Linchpin To Successful Christian Living

In Acts 1, Luke, the author of Acts, mentions that for forty days “after” Christ’s crucifixion Jesus continued to be seen conducting additional miracles and speaking about the Kingdom of […]

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Worry: Unnecessary & Beatable

Worry has plagued mankind since Eve worried if she should have taken the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. And not much has changed to this […]

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Dear God, Have mercy on our children

There’s a popular saying nowadays that goes like this: “since they removed prayer from schools, Satan the Devil, has walked in to take that space.” Or, “they take God out […]

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Watch, Wait, and Stand Fast

“But know this, that in the last days, perilous times will come.” At no time in history has this verse been truer. With terrorism rampant throughout the world, hunger and […]

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Mysteries From The Bible – Revealed!

As you read your Bible & hear good sermons … your pool of knowledge grows … The Bible describes several things as “mysteries” – knowledge or Truth that many people […]

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More water under than above?

“It feels like there have been staggering science stories emerging every other day recently, all of which have blown our tiny little minds,” says an article in a science magazine […]

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Is Pride Month Scriptural ?!?

Mankind can “sometimes” look to the Biblical example of  Israel and glean a positive example … but … most often, people are drawn to simply ignore what God instructs, to […]

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The Patient Wait

As we are the season of Pentecost approaches, it’s a reminder to those who follow The Way, the Truth and The Life, the Firstfruit of the Harvest, that their change […]

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Day of Pentecost Acts 2:1-47

(A Lesson from our Sabbath Keeping Youth archives!) In 2023, Pentecost is May 28th              Before reading the story, here are some facts one should […]

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The Bioethics of Assisted Suicide

MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying) is in the news in Canada again with a National Post article reporting (May 9, 2023) on a paper by two University of Toronto bioethicists […]

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This is a one way street!

Have you ever broken a one-way street? In our day-to-day life, a one-way street has a meaningful and simple purpose. It regulates the flow of traffic in one direction. However, […]

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Bible Questions & Answers

Proverbs 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver. As the writer of Proverbs observes … a perfect comment or answer can REALLY stand […]

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What’s the MOST IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT you have for this year?

As winter is ending (and we look forward to a new spring), it is well to stop and see what we have scheduled on our calendar. Do we have all […]

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Is Christ Truly our Passover?

Why around this time of the year, especially during Lent, do we often hear much about the approaching Easter and all its trappings such as eggs, bunnies, chocolate, hot cross […]

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Lessons from the Days of Unleavened Bread

The Days of Unleavened Bread are a seven-day period that immediately follows the Passover celebration in the Hebrew calendar. During this time, Jews and many Christians observe the commandment to […]

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The Role of the Church

I was reading recently a point of comparison between the 1960s & today… Views on the role of the church: In the 1960s, the church was often seen as the […]

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Was Pontius Pilate Searching for Truth?

In our post-modern era, the question of truth is always a topical issue. One can understand the reason given the fading influence of religion in our society. When religion does […]

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How to Respond? (to “Woke”)

In 1969, I was 9 years old, and we lived in a world where most people did not know much about computers … so when Kurt Russell (in a Disney […]

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Importance of Sleep !?!

As a teen, I encountered some scriptures that led me to think sleep was “evil” … The verses are in Proverbs – the book with Wisdom for young people! Proverbs […]

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