

Importance of Sleep !?!

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What Difference will 2023 Make for you? By Horane Smith

There always seems to be much apprehension by many people over what lies ahead for them in a new calendar year. I use the term “calendar year” because from a […]

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Yes Sir! Jesus Tells Us … To Visit the Sick

Mat 25:31-43 “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. Mat 25:32 […]

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Click here … For more than 240 Sermons & Armor of God Programs with Bronson … Including a 1979 Sermon here! Click Here … For more than 20 Songs sung […]

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The Truth About … Time Travel

A subject that has always “stretched my mind” is to try to model or understand … How does God interact with Time? –  Is He “outside of time” and can […]

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Coming to Church!

There is lots to say about coming to church for the wrong reasons … “Playing Church” is an appropriate term for those who dabble at church attendance — – Only […]

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The most wonderful time of the year?

  This is a busy time of the year. Sometimes you are afraid to venture on the streets, into the shopping malls, or even to go to your regular supermarket. […]

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What are Teens Thinking About?

This title was borrowed from an article in one of our church youth publications.  In 1984, the topics Youth were thinking about included: School  70% Teachers  33% Hobbies  65% After Graduation  […]

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The Sun and Moon Stand Still – Joshua 10:2-15

Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, made a promise with the people of Gibeon (Gibeonites) to protect them from harm if they would be his servants. When the King of Jerusalem heard this […]

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When a lie becomes truth!

There will be two major events happening on Sunday, November 20. It’s the opening day for World Cup Soccer, which starts in Qatar. The other is Toronto’s Annual Santa Claus […]

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Would YOU want to Know the Future?

It is the stuff of Hollywood films to explore ideas such as “the Future”. Movies like Knowing, Minority Report, Next, Back to the Future & Paycheck explore people seeing into […]

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Good News, Bad News

Church’s are known by their evangelistic pattern. Among the many platforms for emphasis, two of the more prominent are prophecy and Christian living. Either of these can be constructed from […]

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The Atonement – significant for Christians?

The Day of Atonement is a very important day on the Christian calendar. Yes, the Christian calendar. It’s also important for Jews as well, better known as Yom Kippur.  But […]

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The Greatest Treasure?!?

Act 8:30-31 So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless […]

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Come to the Feast!

Some argue … that since the annual festivals and holy days were designed as celebrations of important events of Israel’s history and as harvest festivals, they are of little or no […]

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Always be prepared!

On September 26, 2022, God’s people acknowledge his “appointed time,” or one of His seven annual Sabbaths, The Feast of Trumpets. This annual Sabbath pictures the return of Jesus Christ […]

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Why Have A Church?

We offer a booklet titled Welcome to the Church of God International! … and it starts by asking a reasonable question: Why Have A Church? The disciples were told by […]

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Planet Earth Needs A Rest

Our troubled world needs a rest – a rest from all its aches and pains, a rest from its sorrows and deaths, a rest from its hopelessness. It needs a […]

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Overton Window

The Overton window is an approach to identifying the “acceptability” of policies & ideas. Politicians or organizations can act ONLY within the “acceptable” range, when trying to implement changes in […]

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As ‘the Day’ approaches

This society has gone crazy or something…or is it me? Something has gone wrong with this world. Can someone tell me what’s going on?” Those weren’t my words. They were […]

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