Why Have A Church?

We offer a booklet titled Welcome to the Church of God International! … and it starts by asking a reasonable question:

Why Have A Church?

The disciples were told by Jesus to “teach all nations, baptizing them…teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:19–20). Responding to these instructions for “discipling,” the Church of God International has, as part of its mission, the goal of seeking the spiritually lost (Luke 19:10). Along with this outreach there is also the privilege of “feeding the flock,” caring for the members as a shepherd cares for the sheep (1 Peter 5:2). The Church of God International serves as a resource for both of those purposes.

Today, thousands of families turn to the CGI for biblical understanding, instruction, education, and training. Their needs are served through an active ministry, fellowship, the Armor of God telecast, CD/DVD sermons, free literature—including a Bible Study Course, an online magazine directed to young people (INFUSE Magazine), and the International News, which serves as a window into the activities of local congregations.

If you would like to read more… you can click for  our booklet here:
Welcome to the Church of God International!

For our Ontario Canada Congregations … Click here

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